Introducing Bubba Goes for Broke

Pentucket Publishing is delighted to introduce its first novel, Bubba Goes for Broke, by award-winning author David Bawdy. This hilarious crime caper is available in all electronic formats. A trade paperback will be released in the summer.

Sample the first two chapters. If you don’t laugh, check your pulse.

If a dim-witted, sex-crazed crook falls in love, does he get any dumber? You can bet a boob-jobbed Hooters waitress he does. And when she wants to become a televangelist with a little something extra, guess who’s going to pay? Meet Bubba Winslow.

Available for $4.99 in all electronic formats on Kindle, NOOK, Smashwords, Sony, Apple, Kobo, and many others.

Early reader reactions:

“I was laughing so hard, I could hardly see straight.”


“Madcap and raunchy!”

“A hilarious idiot Dortmunder.”